The Most Valuable Thing You Own
In the military, pay or rank isn't always an indicator of ability or quality of work. There is only one thing that separates you from the man standing next to you, your reputation.
In the SEAL Teams, it's the most valuable thing you own.
What your peers say about you can be your biggest burden or your greatest achievement. It's not always a fair practice, but it is highly effective.
Nobody wants to be known as the guy who only looks out for himself, the guy who leaves before the work is done, the guy who "got his".
I remember a specific guy, let's call him Sam. Sam achieved this particularly unfortunate reputation by looking out for himself. Always grabbing the first burrito, or cleaning his own gear, and leaving, not helping others with team gear.
Eventually, people would see Sam looking out for himself and yell out, "Sam got his".
He was no longer known as Sam, his name became Sam got his.
His performance only spiraled down from there.
Nobody was looking out for the guy who only looked out for himself.
Most of the time people were doing the opposite of looking out for him.
Yes, brutal, I know. He never really lived it down either.
I don't have to tell you that his work life was neither fulfilling nor enjoyable.
A cautionary tale in looking out for yourself.
If you want a better life, don't be like Sam.
Spend less time getting yours and spend more time looking out for others.